Thursday, 3 April 2008

Approaching Women... Anywhere!

We've all found ourselves, at one point or another in our lives, wanting to approach a beautiful woman. Whether she just walks past us, or is seated at a table across from us in the same restaurant, the thought has crossed our minds. But when the time came to approach them, we simply sat back and rationalized that it was not the appropriate time to make a move.

Most men refuse to approach women because they have no idea how to go about it, especially on the street. Hey, if it's hard enough approaching women in clubs -- where the environment invites social communication -- then imagine how much harder it is when it comes to the outside world.

7 Common Mistakes Men Make

#1: You talk yourself out of approaching a woman because you think she is “out of your league.”

This is probably the biggest trick the male brain plays on us guys. Because when you think like this what you’re actually doing is PRE-REJECTING YOURSELF. You are fouling out before you even step up to the plate. And it’s amazing how often guys who ARE willing to approach women actually get phone numbers and dates from women they never thought would be interested in them.

#2: You believe that if you approach a woman you'll make her feel uncomfortable, and she'll think you're a jerk or a pervert.

As soon as you learn how to approach with class, no woman will think you’re a jerk or a slimeball for approaching her. When you do it right, many women will actually respond, “You just made my day.”

#3: You expect women to be rude if they’re not interested in you.

#4: You assume you need to have a long conversation to get a woman's phone number.

By the end of the FIRST MINUTE women have already made up their mind. Either they’re available and curious enough about you to give you their number, or they’re not. You don’t need to have a 10-minute conversation that’s totally amazing, mind-blowing, and earth-shattering to try to “convince” a woman to give you her number. All you need to do is learn a sincere and direct approach that lets her know you’re normal and interested in her. And best of all, this can be done in usually under just two minutes.

#5: You shower a woman with compliments, thinking that's the best way to get her to give you her number.

So, let’s clear up the confusion right now:
If you SHOWER a woman you just met with compliments, she'll think you’re needy. This kills any hopes of her feeling attraction toward you (unless she’s very insecure herself). But if you give her JUST ONE compliment, you will communicate in a non-needy way that you are a man noticing her as a woman. Women will usually interpret this as a sign of confidence. Especially since most guys don't yet have the courage to do this. Giving JUST ONE compliment also prevents women from misinterpreting your conversation as just a “friendly” one. They’ll see you as a sexually aware man, not as just another sexually neutral wuss-friend.

#6: You have conversations with attractive women that don’t end with you asking for a number.

When you're talking to a woman you’re attracted to, a very strange thing happens. For most guys, there’s pressure to not cross what I call The Friendship Line.

The Friendship Line is an invisible yet powerful force that tries to seduce guys into becoming friends with women, rather than becoming more than just friends. You cross The Friendship Line by commenting on a woman's attractiveness, turning the conversation sexual, or suggesting a date. Yet most guys hesitate to do any of these three things. They hesitate to cross The Line because doing so risks rejection.

This is the reality. You can be just a friend. Or you can be a potential lover/date. But you can’t be both. You decide.

#7: You falsely believe you can't RADICALLY transform your own approach skills.

It is SO MUCH EASIER to fool yourself into thinking your situation can never change rather than to take responsibility and make things happen for yourself. Most guys bail out of the game before it’s even started.

But because most guys tell themselves, “I’m not the kind of guy who could ever approach women like that,” they end up settling for women and relationships that they really aren’t happy with. Or they settle for being alone. Because they feel like they don’t have a CHOICE.

Happy Dating! ;-)

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