We've all found ourselves, at one point or another in our lives, wanting to approach a beautiful woman. Whether she just walks past us, or is seated at a table across from us in the same restaurant, the thought has crossed our minds. But when the time came to approach them, we simply sat back and rationalized that it was not the appropriate time to make a move.
Most men refuse to approach women because they have no idea how to go about it, especially on the street. Hey, if it's hard enough approaching women in clubs -- where the environment invites social communication -- then imagine how much harder it is when it comes to the outside world.
7 Common Mistakes Men Make
#1: You talk yourself out of approaching a woman because you think she is “out of your league.”
This is probably the biggest trick the male brain plays on us guys. Because when you think like this what you’re actually doing is PRE-REJECTING YOURSELF. You are fouling out before you even step up to the plate. And it’s amazing how often guys who ARE willing to approach women actually get phone numbers and dates from women they never thought would be interested in them.
#2: You believe that if you approach a woman you'll make her feel uncomfortable, and she'll think you're a jerk or a pervert.
As soon as you learn how to approach with class, no woman will think you’re a jerk or a slimeball for approaching her. When you do it right, many women will actually respond, “You just made my day.”
#3: You expect women to be rude if they’re not interested in you.
#4: You assume you need to have a long conversation to get a woman's phone number.
By the end of the FIRST MINUTE women have already made up their mind. Either they’re available and curious enough about you to give you their number, or they’re not. You don’t need to have a 10-minute conversation that’s totally amazing, mind-blowing, and earth-shattering to try to “convince” a woman to give you her number. All you need to do is learn a sincere and direct approach that lets her know you’re normal and interested in her. And best of all, this can be done in usually under just two minutes.
#5: You shower a woman with compliments, thinking that's the best way to get her to give you her number.
So, let’s clear up the confusion right now:
If you SHOWER a woman you just met with compliments, she'll think you’re needy. This kills any hopes of her feeling attraction toward you (unless she’s very insecure herself). But if you give her JUST ONE compliment, you will communicate in a non-needy way that you are a man noticing her as a woman. Women will usually interpret this as a sign of confidence. Especially since most guys don't yet have the courage to do this. Giving JUST ONE compliment also prevents women from misinterpreting your conversation as just a “friendly” one. They’ll see you as a sexually aware man, not as just another sexually neutral wuss-friend.
#6: You have conversations with attractive women that don’t end with you asking for a number.
When you're talking to a woman you’re attracted to, a very strange thing happens. For most guys, there’s pressure to not cross what I call The Friendship Line.
The Friendship Line is an invisible yet powerful force that tries to seduce guys into becoming friends with women, rather than becoming more than just friends. You cross The Friendship Line by commenting on a woman's attractiveness, turning the conversation sexual, or suggesting a date. Yet most guys hesitate to do any of these three things. They hesitate to cross The Line because doing so risks rejection.
This is the reality. You can be just a friend. Or you can be a potential lover/date. But you can’t be both. You decide.
#7: You falsely believe you can't RADICALLY transform your own approach skills.
It is SO MUCH EASIER to fool yourself into thinking your situation can never change rather than to take responsibility and make things happen for yourself. Most guys bail out of the game before it’s even started.
But because most guys tell themselves, “I’m not the kind of guy who could ever approach women like that,” they end up settling for women and relationships that they really aren’t happy with. Or they settle for being alone. Because they feel like they don’t have a CHOICE.
Happy Dating! ;-)
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Power Up Your Image.
To race on the autobahn, would you choose to drive a 6-cylinder jeep or a Ferrari? Obviously, a Ferrari would win over a jeep, even the fastest jeep, right? Ironically, although decreasing their odds of winning, many smart men are choosing to wear jeep-like clothing when racing around conducting business -- even in today's highly competitive business environment.
Business is a game. What you wear is one of your first moves, a fundamental strategy in order to win. Just as the best sports equipment can help an athlete gain the competitive edge, stylish businesslike apparel adds horsepower and panache, giving you a leg up in your career.
First impressions and the visual aspect have never been more critical than they are today. Thanks to the technology explosion, business moves at a faster pace than it did even a decade ago. Harry Beckwith, author of Selling The Invisible , says that people do not simply form impressions, they become anchored to them.
Based on visual clues from others' attire, grooming, posture, and demeanor, we unconsciously assess who we think they are. Then we decide how we are going to respond or treat them -- all in a matter of seconds.
What exactly does that mean for ambitious men who want to get ahead in their careers? Start by thinking of your goals and just how fast you want to achieve them. In the race for success, do you want be perceived as ordinary or extraordinary?
"add power to your casual image"
Faced with more apparel choices than ever before, many men feel puzzled over how to put together a casual outfit that sets them apart. To command respect and add an air of authority to your overall image, follow these five power-up tips when dressing down for business.
Tailored jackets
Jackets can always be removed if you want to appear more casual.
Quality shirts
Shirts speak volumes; they take center stage when you're not wearing a jacket. Tumble-dried collars do not place you neck and neck with the winners in the race for success.
Dressy trousers
Power up with well-balanced, high-quality trousers; avoid cheap polyester varieties unless you want to signal that you don't mind being walked on. Polyester's main claim to fame: carpets.
Stylish all-leather shoes
Shoes reveal your secrets and are primary indicators of your socioeconomic status. To look like a winner, buy quality shoes and keep them in mint condition.
Leather belts
Choose belts that are expensive -looking -- in the same color tone as your shoes.
Steer your career into the fast lane. Maximize your horsepower by powering up your image today. Be consistent, power up every day, and enjoy being a winner. What's more, be a magnet for success and greater achievement.
Business is a game. What you wear is one of your first moves, a fundamental strategy in order to win. Just as the best sports equipment can help an athlete gain the competitive edge, stylish businesslike apparel adds horsepower and panache, giving you a leg up in your career.
First impressions and the visual aspect have never been more critical than they are today. Thanks to the technology explosion, business moves at a faster pace than it did even a decade ago. Harry Beckwith, author of Selling The Invisible , says that people do not simply form impressions, they become anchored to them.
Based on visual clues from others' attire, grooming, posture, and demeanor, we unconsciously assess who we think they are. Then we decide how we are going to respond or treat them -- all in a matter of seconds.
What exactly does that mean for ambitious men who want to get ahead in their careers? Start by thinking of your goals and just how fast you want to achieve them. In the race for success, do you want be perceived as ordinary or extraordinary?
"add power to your casual image"
Faced with more apparel choices than ever before, many men feel puzzled over how to put together a casual outfit that sets them apart. To command respect and add an air of authority to your overall image, follow these five power-up tips when dressing down for business.
Tailored jackets
Jackets can always be removed if you want to appear more casual.
Quality shirts
Shirts speak volumes; they take center stage when you're not wearing a jacket. Tumble-dried collars do not place you neck and neck with the winners in the race for success.
Dressy trousers
Power up with well-balanced, high-quality trousers; avoid cheap polyester varieties unless you want to signal that you don't mind being walked on. Polyester's main claim to fame: carpets.
Stylish all-leather shoes
Shoes reveal your secrets and are primary indicators of your socioeconomic status. To look like a winner, buy quality shoes and keep them in mint condition.
Leather belts
Choose belts that are expensive -looking -- in the same color tone as your shoes.
Steer your career into the fast lane. Maximize your horsepower by powering up your image today. Be consistent, power up every day, and enjoy being a winner. What's more, be a magnet for success and greater achievement.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
The Power Of Influence and Emotional Mastery
Tony Robbins...mastering your emotions...and taking bold decisions...shape destiny and life...emotional fitness and psychological strength. Great, great, great...
Some books from Tony Robbins. Have a look.
Be Blessed.
Some books from Tony Robbins. Have a look.
Be Blessed.
"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
...What can I say...
You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.
Stay Phenomenal!
You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.
Stay Phenomenal!
Let Your Body Do All The Work.
Did you know that the words we use in conversation only make up about thirty per cent of the message we send to other people? Think about that for a moment - the actual words that we use in seduction situations are much, much less important than how they are delivered (and yet We sweat about what we are saying all the time). Most men have no idea about this, and no idea that they are handicapping themselves by their posture, hand movements and facial gestures. The good news is that there are some simple lessons you can learn that will instantly improve your communication skills, and none of them have anything to do with memorising openers. The even better news is that that is the purpose of this email. Before we get started, go and get a mirror. You're going to need one. You have some bad habits we need to identify and break.
1. Stand still!
If you hop around from foot to foot or sway backwards and forwards when you're talking, you're not going to come across confidently. It won't matter if you are the wittiest, most intelligent raconteur at the bar - you're going to get blown out. Luckily, this one is simple to fix: plant your feet a little wider than feels natural, in a position that corresponds with your shoulders. Feels better, doesn't it? This is a solid base to start from, and it makes it more difficult to move around. It's also the base stance for most martial artists. If you want a black belt in PUA, you need to get this right.
2. Stop fidgeting!
Look in the mirror and have a conversation with someone. What do you do with your hands when you are talking? Do you fidget with things, scratch yourself, touch your face? Stop! This is very unattractive and it screams out that you lack confidence. Again, it's easy to fix. Squeeze your thumb, index and forefingers together and then let your hands fall naturally to your sides. Doing this removes the need for the fingers to be active. You can (and should) still use your hands during the conversation, but when you use them now you'll use them consciously. As tools.
3. Head up!
Nervous guys look at their shoes. Or the floor. Or her shoes. It looks terrible. Eye contact is vital for confident communication. Let me repeat that: eye contact is vital. Keep your head up, look her in the eye, and hold the contact. You can practice in the street - the next time you're out, fix eyes with the girls that pass you and rather than looking away first, wait for them. If you want to up the ante a bit, give them a cheeky smile as they pass. You'll be surprised how many smile back.
4. Make slow head movements.
Be smooth. Darting, jerking movements of the head suggest anxiety. Anxiety is unattractive. Unattractive guys don't get laid. Confident men move their heads with slow, subtle, languid movements as if nothing is bothering them and they are totally relaxed. Confident guys get laid.
5. Walk slowly and smoothly
It's not just your head movements that should be controlled and smooth - apply the same lesson to your body. Teach yourself to move with confidence and, apart from looking more confident, you'll feel it too. When you're in a club environment, moving slowly and with purpose really stands out - everyone else will be jittering left and right and if you can be the exception who moves with grace and style, you'll immediately attract positive attention.
6. Hold your drink by your side
There are a couple of tips when it comes to drink. First, don't drink too much - everything you've learnt will go out of the window if you're drunk and slurring, booze-smelling guys don't usually end up with hot babes. A couple of drinks aren't such a bad idea but don't hold your glass across your chest - this is a classic defensive posture and it will be noticed. Rest your glass on the bar or hold it by your side. That's much more natural.
Body language is key - don't underestimate it. Even if you're feeling nervous inside, a strong and confident image will go a long way in making you super-attractive.
1. Stand still!
If you hop around from foot to foot or sway backwards and forwards when you're talking, you're not going to come across confidently. It won't matter if you are the wittiest, most intelligent raconteur at the bar - you're going to get blown out. Luckily, this one is simple to fix: plant your feet a little wider than feels natural, in a position that corresponds with your shoulders. Feels better, doesn't it? This is a solid base to start from, and it makes it more difficult to move around. It's also the base stance for most martial artists. If you want a black belt in PUA, you need to get this right.
2. Stop fidgeting!
Look in the mirror and have a conversation with someone. What do you do with your hands when you are talking? Do you fidget with things, scratch yourself, touch your face? Stop! This is very unattractive and it screams out that you lack confidence. Again, it's easy to fix. Squeeze your thumb, index and forefingers together and then let your hands fall naturally to your sides. Doing this removes the need for the fingers to be active. You can (and should) still use your hands during the conversation, but when you use them now you'll use them consciously. As tools.
3. Head up!
Nervous guys look at their shoes. Or the floor. Or her shoes. It looks terrible. Eye contact is vital for confident communication. Let me repeat that: eye contact is vital. Keep your head up, look her in the eye, and hold the contact. You can practice in the street - the next time you're out, fix eyes with the girls that pass you and rather than looking away first, wait for them. If you want to up the ante a bit, give them a cheeky smile as they pass. You'll be surprised how many smile back.
4. Make slow head movements.
Be smooth. Darting, jerking movements of the head suggest anxiety. Anxiety is unattractive. Unattractive guys don't get laid. Confident men move their heads with slow, subtle, languid movements as if nothing is bothering them and they are totally relaxed. Confident guys get laid.
5. Walk slowly and smoothly
It's not just your head movements that should be controlled and smooth - apply the same lesson to your body. Teach yourself to move with confidence and, apart from looking more confident, you'll feel it too. When you're in a club environment, moving slowly and with purpose really stands out - everyone else will be jittering left and right and if you can be the exception who moves with grace and style, you'll immediately attract positive attention.
6. Hold your drink by your side
There are a couple of tips when it comes to drink. First, don't drink too much - everything you've learnt will go out of the window if you're drunk and slurring, booze-smelling guys don't usually end up with hot babes. A couple of drinks aren't such a bad idea but don't hold your glass across your chest - this is a classic defensive posture and it will be noticed. Rest your glass on the bar or hold it by your side. That's much more natural.
Body language is key - don't underestimate it. Even if you're feeling nervous inside, a strong and confident image will go a long way in making you super-attractive.
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