Friday, 28 March 2008

Do Women Really Relate Sex To Dancing?

Are you one of those guys?...If your answer is yes, well you have to work on it. Woman relate dance to sex. Yes they do.

No matter what, no matter when, no matter who, any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. He just needs the right broom." That is what the “Date Doctor” said in the movie “Hitch” starring Will Smith. The Date Doctor goes ahead to say “women relate dancing to sex.”

Music touches women in a very profound and unique way - it stirs their soulfulness. Dance on the other hand unlocks the playful and sensuous side of her personality. And if men only knew what a powerful aphrodisiac dancing is for women, they might not be getting the “I am not in the mood” as often as they do.

They could tell what kind of a lover a man would be by the way he danced. They could tell if a man is a player, shy, inhibited or uninhibited, passionate or passive and yes they could even tell if he is a drunk by observing the way he moves his body on the dance floor. And when it comes to dating, these women say they want a man who is interested in more than just eat, work and sleep.

And when a woman has tasted the pleasure of dancing in the arms of a good dancer, it is next to impossible to settle for anything less, unless he has some incredibly exciting career in which they can experience unlimited financial freedom together or he is unbelievable in bed or both!

Unfortunately misperceptions depicting dance as being effeminate keeps a lot of men from getting their groove on. Some need a two-drink minimum to get the nerve to get on the floor. And when they do get on the dance floor, their alcohol-aided sense of adventure is a series of exaggerated theatrical gestures that are a torture to watch.

Guys, if you do not have the unlimited cash flow or do not exactly fall into the category of “unbelievable” in bed then a dance class should be your next stop. If you’ve already got the moves, show off that fancy footwork and I don’t mean those Tarzan ape-like gestures. Put some grace into it.

And remember she has to say yes to “shall we dance” first. To make certain that she will say yes, when you approach her, show her what you got. No, please not that. Keep that for another day, another place and another time. I mean show her your moves.

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