Saturday 29 March 2008

Seduce, Attract and Pick Up Women Like a true Pick-Up Artist Today!

Richard La Ruina AKA Gambler went from having no women to being able to seduce women better than Robbie Williams! Now he can show you how to do the same! Watch the video.

99.9% of men are not like you. They will be the men that sleep with the average of 6 women in their life. They will be the 78% of people that are unsatisfied with their love lives. They think they need to work harder and make more money and the women will come later. Why later and not right NOW?

How would you like to be able to confidently approach and seduce women that you would consider “out of your league”? How would you like to be able to make these women attracted to you? How would you like to be able to use this kind of speed seduction every time you go out? This is a skill of the pick-up artist, and you can have it too.

Do you think that getting 20 numbers in a day is difficult? Do you think that kissing 5 girls in one night is difficult? Do you think that getting the hottest girl in the place to come home with you is difficult? Go from scarcity to abundance.

Psychologists and authors can’t teach you because they don’t get laid! But, there are principles that enables you to attract women and seduce women. There is a method that can be applied to any man. There is a learnable process that will make you more attractive, more confident, and give you all the pleasure you can handle.

Would you like to live like a "rock star"? Do you have beautiful women chasing after YOU, calling YOU, begging YOU to spend time with THEM? Would you like to be so different and so much better than most men that you stand out like a beacon and give off an energy that women find irresistible?

It’s simple and complex at the same time. It’s complex in that the ideas took tens of thousands of hours for us to develop and learn. It’s complex in that it involves elements from fashion, to mental state, from how and when to touch, to how to tell if a woman is attracted to you. It is the sum of this knowledge to you and give you the power to attract, pick-up and seduce women anytime you want.

Alpha Male Behaviour Clips - The Power of Physiology

Physiology is one of the most important key in body language and especially to be "attractive"...I say it be "ATTRACTIVE"...did you get it?!...

What do Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, George Clooney and Harrison Ford all have in common?

Well these guys all demonstrate the signs of the prototypical Alpha Male. Without saying a word, they're able to show confidence and sexuality simply through their body language. This helps them instantly attract women.

Now I know what's probably running through your head...

You might think that women are attracted to these guys because of their fame, looks or money. But you're wrong. I would bet if you took away all of these things, women would STILL be attracted to these actors.

Why's that?

Well it's simple- these guys know how to show alpha male traits around women. Surprisingly enough, you can learn how to do the same!

If you keep on reading, I'll reveal the secrets of how to become an alpha male with your body language. If you incorporate these 5 tips, you'll be able to transform yourself into a seductive guy who can easily attract women.

1- Get rid of 'Beta Male' traits

Before you can become an alpha male, you must ditch all the body language traits which show weakness and inferior status. For instance, you should stop doing these things:

• Putting your hands in your pockets
• Fidgeting with your hands or fingers
• Slumping your shoulders down
• Folding your arms
• Looking uncomfortable
• Being afraid to take up space

If you can detect these mistakes and work hard to correct them, you'll instantly start to show more alpha male traits.

2- Be confident

There is ONE thing about being an alpha male you should always remember...

Women love CONFIDENCE!

If you display confidence with your body language, you'll easily impress women. In order to show this alpha male behavior, you need to be calm and poised at all times.

Now if you have a problem with your confidence, I recommend you make an effort to fix it. So look within and find out what's causing these unconfident feelings. Then work hard at fixing them.

3- Don't worry be happy

A lot of "Beta Male" characteristics stem from nervousness and tension. If you want to act like an alpha male, you must learn to never worry about the outcome with a female.

Just remember that the dating game is not a life and death situation. So relax and enjoy your interactions with women.

Please understand that the body displays what the mind is thinking. By worrying and being nervous, you'll display inferior body language. Once you remove your anxiety you'll display a more alpha male personality.

4- Be relaxed

The alpha male ALWAYS shows a relaxed pose in every situation. So if you want to display alpha male behavior, you need to learn how to chill around women. Here are a few ways to do this:

• Your eyes concentrated on the person in the conversation
• You never let your eyes dart around the room
• You know how to lean back and look comfortable
• You breath through your stomach instead of your chest

By showing a relaxed pose, you'll easily make women more comfortable around you.

5- You move deliberately

The beta male is always jumpy and ready to please people.

Honestly, one of the core traits of a beta male is somebody who is instantly ready to do favors for people. If somebody needs help, the beta male will instantly come running.

Instead of showing this personality, you need to move slowly and at your own pace. By taking deliberate actions with every step, you'll force people to pay attention to your schedule not theirs.

If you want to attract more women, you must learn how to become an alpha male. By learning how to demonstrate this quality, you'll create a "movie star" or a "ROCK STAR" quality about yourself. Then women will be pulled towards your magnetic personality.

Stay Phenomenal

Get a 'Windsor' knot

...please, please, please...

every morning I see so many men going at meetings, offices, encounters with a grin in their face wearing horrible ties. Please get a great "Knot" on your tie.

The Windsor Knot is the Cadillac of tie knots. It is a large symmetrical, triangular knot that looks great for your more formal occasions and should only be worn with a shirt that has a wide collar opening. Don't try to cram this baby in a narrow space give it some room to breath and look good.

check this out:

have an happy tie ;-)

What Women Want

Wish you had the same psychics power as Mel Gibson in the movie "What Women Want"...but you do not need it!

the Secret?...the "JL" technique...Just Listen
It is so dificult for some men focus on the listening part of a conversation.
Listening is an art and this skill can be learned with practice and repetition; at the beginning if you have never paid attention to any woman conversation it will be hard but with persistence and consistency you will get there.

"Practice make Perfect" ;-)

Shave Like a Real Man

Learn how to shave...women love a nice smooth face..;-)

According to The Art of Shaving, an upscale men's boutique in New York, the correct way to begin shaving is with the grain, or in the direction that your facial hair grows. "Swimming upstream," or going against the grain, could result in ingrown hairs, razor burn, or worse. But going against the grain is okay as a secondary technique, in order to get a really close shave.

A few other tips for the discerning shaver:

#1 Shave during or after a hot shower (not before!).
#2 Always use hot water.
#3 Glide the razor gently, so as to avoid unsightly blemishes.
#4 Careful! Your neck hair may flow against your face hair. Shave accordingly!
#5 Moisturizing lotion is never a bad idea.

So there you have it. If you're considering shaving your head or other parts of your body, there are lots of other factors to keep in mind. We'll let you research those topics on your own.

Friday 28 March 2008

The Power of Style and Grooming

In this world of appearances and personal brands there is no disputing that style and grooming can contribute much towards your everyday presence and reflect your personality. How you look and what you wear say a lot about you, often before a word is spoken.

We live in a time when it pays to look younger, whether it’s in the workplace or in the dating world. One of the keys to success is good grooming, experts say.

An increasing number of men are making grooming a priority because they want to maintain a youthful appearance and a winning edge. Statistics show that men in the United States are spending more than $4 billion a year on grooming products, such as haircolor and facial scrubs, driven by their desire to look and feel their best. The growth in grooming products is being fueled in part by baby boomers entering middle age.

#1 If you don't iron your clothes, remove them immediately from the dryer so wrinkles don't set.
#2 In hot weather, wear light-colored, cotton clothing and socks. This will absorb less heat and "sweat stains" will be less visible.
#3Consider trimming your arm pit hairs in warm weather. Less hairs, less bacteria, less smell. Think about it.
#4 Don't be reluctant to trim or tweeze any stray eyebrow hairs.
#5 Good dental hygiene means a dazzling smile.
#6 Open your eyes. If hair is the frame for your face, the eyes are the windows. Use eye drops to whiten the whites of your eyes for a fresher, younger look.

So go ahead, and start improving your grooming today.

Happy grooming!

Do Women Really Relate Sex To Dancing?

Are you one of those guys?...If your answer is yes, well you have to work on it. Woman relate dance to sex. Yes they do.

No matter what, no matter when, no matter who, any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. He just needs the right broom." That is what the “Date Doctor” said in the movie “Hitch” starring Will Smith. The Date Doctor goes ahead to say “women relate dancing to sex.”

Music touches women in a very profound and unique way - it stirs their soulfulness. Dance on the other hand unlocks the playful and sensuous side of her personality. And if men only knew what a powerful aphrodisiac dancing is for women, they might not be getting the “I am not in the mood” as often as they do.

They could tell what kind of a lover a man would be by the way he danced. They could tell if a man is a player, shy, inhibited or uninhibited, passionate or passive and yes they could even tell if he is a drunk by observing the way he moves his body on the dance floor. And when it comes to dating, these women say they want a man who is interested in more than just eat, work and sleep.

And when a woman has tasted the pleasure of dancing in the arms of a good dancer, it is next to impossible to settle for anything less, unless he has some incredibly exciting career in which they can experience unlimited financial freedom together or he is unbelievable in bed or both!

Unfortunately misperceptions depicting dance as being effeminate keeps a lot of men from getting their groove on. Some need a two-drink minimum to get the nerve to get on the floor. And when they do get on the dance floor, their alcohol-aided sense of adventure is a series of exaggerated theatrical gestures that are a torture to watch.

Guys, if you do not have the unlimited cash flow or do not exactly fall into the category of “unbelievable” in bed then a dance class should be your next stop. If you’ve already got the moves, show off that fancy footwork and I don’t mean those Tarzan ape-like gestures. Put some grace into it.

And remember she has to say yes to “shall we dance” first. To make certain that she will say yes, when you approach her, show her what you got. No, please not that. Keep that for another day, another place and another time. I mean show her your moves.